A global project sending hand written letters of support from mums with lived experience of maternal mental health to mums currently suffering with theirs.
What is a Letter of Light?
A Letter of Light is a letter of support written by a mum with lived experience to a mum currently suffering with her mental health.
A compassionate letter the mum can read when she’s in need of a little light.
A letter she can use to start a conversation with loved ones about how she’s feeling.
A peer support letter a maternal mental health professional can use to aide a patient’s recovery
Women with lived experience of a maternal mental health illness, understand how powerful words from someone who has recovered from a similar experience can be.
These words inspire hope, solidarity and belief that recovery is possible!
Words of encouragement from a fellow mum who has shared a similar path makes us feel less alone, less isolated and in return, hopeful that we too will be in their shoes one day. Thus being, well and feeling empowered that we deserve the right to enjoy motherhood.
This is the mission of The Letters of Light project; To share words of support and empowerment from women with lived experience to women currently suffering. And show there is life after a maternal mental health illness.
How to Get Involved
Become an “Author of Light”
Mums with experience of a maternal mental health illness to put pen to paper and help offer a hand through the darkness with their own letter of light. All letters will be sent to Perinatal Wellbeing Canterbury, reviewed and then sent to mums across New Zealand experiencing maternal mental health illness. We will be working with a number of organisations supporting mums across the NZ to ensure as many mums as possible receive their very own Letter of Light. Learn more about how to write a Letter of Light
Become an “Ambassador of Light”
Do you work with mums suffering with their maternal mental health? Do you run a maternal mental health organisation or charity? Are you a maternal mental health professional? Are you a maternal mental health advocate working within the community? If so, we would love to hear from you if you feel the mums you work with could benefit from receiving these incredibly special letters of support as part of our Letters of Light Project. Register here to start receiving letters for your mums